

Obesity is characterized by excess weight a person has, usually caused by a sedentary lifestyle and overconsumption of foods high in fat and sugar.
Obesity can occur at any age, as in childhood, adolescence or adulthood, and when left untreated, complications may arise as arthritis, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease or sleep apnea, for example.Learn more about child obesity .
Thyroid problems, hormonal problems or emotional problems like low self-esteem, anxiety or nervousness can also increase the risk of obesity and therefore, these situations should be treated as soon as they are identified.

How to know if I'm very overweight

The diagnosis of obesity can be done by performing a mathematical calculation called BMI analyzing the weight that a person has in relation to its height. Use our calculator to know your BMI:
For children and adolescents, it is also used BMI. See how to calculate children's BMI .

Obesity degrees

According to the BMI, there are varying degrees of obesity as:
  • Obesity grade 1: BMI between 30.0 - 34.9 kg / m2;
  • Grade 2 obesity: BMI between 35.0 - 39.9 kg / m2;
  • Grade 3 obesity or severe obesity: BMI greater than or 40 kg / m2.
The higher the degree of obesity, the greater the risk of complications such as diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, stroke or infarction. Leita more about morbid obesity .

How to treat obesity

Treatment of obesity should be done with the regular physical exercise guided by a trainer and a weight loss diet guided by a nutritionist, gradually, since the individual may take years to reach the ideal weight, often being required monitoring of a psychologist.

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