
Gastric Bypass Weight Loss

      Gastric Bypass Weight Loss

Gastric bypass weight loss, known as bypass Roux-Y or Fobi-Capella surgery, is a type of bariatric surgery that can lead to the loss of up to 70% of initial weight and is the reduction of the stomach and change the intestine, leading the patient to eat less and eventually lose weight.
This bariatric surgery is indicated for people with BMI greater than 40 kg / m² or BMI greater than 35 kg / m² however, who have already suffered some derived health problem of overweight, such as heart attack, for example, and generally , it is only performed when other techniques such as placing gastric band or intragastric balloon, did not have the desired results.

Price gastric bypass to lose weight

The value of surgery for placement of gastric bypass which depends on the clinical follow-up is made and the patient's needs before and after surgery, ranging between 15,000 and 45,000 dollars.
In some cases, it can be done at free of SUS, especially when the patient is at risk of developing serious health problems due to excess weight, requiring a rigorous evaluation by the gastroenterologist.

As gastric bypass is done to lose weight

The gastric bypass Roux y is a complex operation which is performed under general anesthesia and takes an average of 2 hours, being the inpatient 3 to 5 days.
Generally, this surgery is done by laparoscopy , being made ​​4-6 holes in the abdomen to allow passage of a microchamber and tools to do the surgery. According to this technique the surgeon observes the interior of the body by a screen, commanding the instruments.
Gastric bypass includes several steps:
  1. Cutting stomach and intestine: a cut is made ​​along the stomach to the esophagus which divides it into two parts, a very small portion in the form of bag and a large portion corresponding to the remaining stomach and which loses much of its function , failing to store food. Furthermore, it is a cut in the first part of the intestine, jejunum called;
  2. Joining a portion of the intestine to the small stomach:  it creates a direct passage to the food tube-shaped;
  3. Joining the part of the intestine that was linked to much of the stomach to the tube: this link allows the food that comes from previous bond created, to mix with digestive Enzinas occurring digestion.
Cut stomach
Union stomach and intestine
Surgery may also be done by laparotomy, going the full opening of the abdomen, however, it is a rare procedure to be more dangerous than laparoscopy.
The gastric bypass weight loss causes a loss of up to 70% of the initial weight and allows to keep this loss over the years because in addition to the patient getting rapidly quenched, changing the intestine, leads to lower absorption of what is ingested.

Complications of gastric bypass to lose weight

The bypass y can cause nausea, vomiting, heartburn or diarrhea during the first month after surgery.
However, the most serious complications of surgery include:
  • Fistula of the scars of the stomach or intestines, which can increase the chances of infections, such as peritonitis or sepsis, for example;
  • Severe bleeding in the stomach scar area;
  • Chronic anemia , mainly due to vitamin B12 deficiency;
  • Dumping syndrome , which causes symptoms such as nausea, intestinal cramps, fainting and diarrhea after a person has been eating. Learn more:  How to relieve the symptoms of Dumping Syndrome .
In some cases, the patient may need further surgery to correct the problem.

Recovery from gastric bypass to lose weight

The recovery of gastric bypass is slow and can take between 6 months to 1 year, with the loss of more intense weight in the first three months.
The patient who did Fobi-Capella surgery to lose weight should:
  • Follow the diet given by the nutritionist , who will be changing over the weeks. Learn more at: Feeding after bariatric surgery .
  • Taking vitamin supplements , such as iron or vitamin B12 because of the risk of chronic anemia;
  • Do abdominal bandage at the health center a week after surgery;
  • Remove the drain , which is a container where the excess liquid out of the stoma, as medically indicated.
  • Taking antiemetic like Omeprazole before meals to protect the stomach medically indicated;
  • Avoid efforts in the first 30 days to prevent any clip is released.
The results of bariatric surgery are emerging over the weeks, however, you may need to do a cosmetic surgery such as abdominoplasty, 1-2 years after to remove excess skin.See how it's done this surgery:  tummy tuck .


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