
How is the recovery of bariatric surgery

How is the recovery of bariatric surgery

The recovery of bariatric surgery can take between 6 months to 1 year, and the patient may lose between 10% to 40% of initial weight during this period, being faster in the early months of recovery.
During the first month after bariatric surgery, it is normal the patient has pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea often, especially after meals and to avoid these symptoms is essential some care with the food and the return to activities of daily life and physical exercise.
Breathing exercises are indicated to be realized in the first days after surgery to prevent respiratory complications. See examples:  5 exercises to breathe better after surgery .

Diet after bariatric surgery

After surgery for weight loss, the patient will be powered by the sera vein and, just two days after you drink water and teas, which must eat 20 to 20 minutes in small amounts at most a cup of coffee at a time, because the stomach is very sensitive.
Generally, five days after bariatric surgery, which is when the person tolerates liquids, the patient can eat soft foods like pudding or cream, for example, and only 1 month after surgery can start eating solid foods, by appointment the doctor or nutricionista.Saiba more about diet:  Food after bariatric surgery.
In addition to these tips, the doctor may indicate the use of a multivitamin like Centrum as, surgery for weight loss can lead to loss of vitamins like folic acid and vitamin B.

Dressing of bariatric surgery

After bariatric surgery, such as placement of gastric bypass or band, the patient will have bandages on the abdomen to protect the scars and, to be assessed by a nurse and exchanged at the health center a week after surgery. During this week, the patient must not wet the bandage to prevent fester scar.
In addition, 15 days after surgery the individual will have to return to the clinic to remove staples or stitches, and after removing them should apply moisturizer daily on the scar to hydrate it.

Physical activity after bariatric surgery

Physical exercise should be started one week after surgery and in a slow manner and without much effort, it helps you lose weight even faster.
The patient can start by walking or climbing stairs because in addition to helping you lose weight, it helps reduce the risk of developing thrombosis and helps the intestine to function correctly. However, the patient should avoid taking up weights and doing sit-ups in the first month after surgery.
In addition, two weeks after surgery for weight loss, the patient can return to work and do the day-to-day, like cooking, walking or driving, for example.

How to ease the pain after bariatric surgery

Have pain after surgery to lose weight is normal during the first month and the pain decreases over time. In this case, the doctor may indicate the use of pain relievers such as Paracetamol or Tramadol to relieve it and have greater well-being.
In the case of surgeries by laparotomy, where the abdomen is opened, the doctor may also recommend the use of an abdominal band to support the stomach and lessen the discomfort.

When you go to the doctor

The patient should consult the surgeon or go to the emergency room when:
  • Vomiting at every meal, even fulfilling the quantities and eating foods indicated by nutritionist;
  • Have diarrhea or bowel does not work after two weeks of surgery;
  • I can not take any kind of food due to very strong nausea;
  • Pain in the abdomen very strong and that does not happen with painkillers;
  • You have a fever higher than 38 ° C;
  • The dressing is soiled with yellow liquid and unpleasant smell.
In such cases, the physician evaluates symptoms and guides treatment if necessary.

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