
Lose weight 3 kg in 3 days

               Lose weight 3 kg in 3 days

This diet uses as a basis for the artichoke weight loss, because it is very low in calories and high in nutrients.In addition, it has a lot of fiber, which improves intestinal transit, which is another factor that hinders weight loss.
Any diet should be done under individualized nutrition counseling, especially if any of associated health problems such as anemia, diabetes or eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia, for example.
This artichoke diet helps to reduce cellulite and relieve water retention because in addition to clean and detoxify the blood, this vegetable favors the liver metabolism and activates the production of bile.

Menu to lose weight fast - 3 kg in 3 days

Who needs urgent lose weight, you can follow the menu below for 3 days in a row:
  • 250 ml orange juice;
  • 2 slices of whole wheat bread;
  • 2 tablespoons artichoke puree of tea;
  • 1 soy yogurt
  • 50g of brown rice
  • 50 g of cooked artichoke
  • 1 apple
Half an hour before lunch
  • 1 artichoke artichoke flower or two capsules
  • 350 ml of skim milk
  • 3 grilled artichokes
  • 50g of fresh cheese
  • 1 slice whole wheat bread
This diet should be made for 3 days only, not cause nutritional deficiencies. During the three days of the diet is also important to avoid too intense physical activities.
The weight removed can vary with the metabolism and the initial weight of each. The closer to the ideal weight, the harder it is to lose weight. Learn how much weight needs to lose weight in: How do I know how many kilos need to lose weight .



Ideal weight

                Ideal weight

Maintain ideal weight is important to avoid complications such as obesity and diabetes or even malnutrition, when the individual is very underweight.To calculate the ideal weight should be calculated the body mass index or BMI, which takes into account the age, weight and height.

How to calculate the ideal weight

To calculate the ideal weight of adults, use our calculator:
To calculate the ideal weight of children and teenagers, use the calculator the article: How to calculate the children's BMI .

How to reach the ideal weight

When the individual is out of your ideal weight value, you should consult a nutritionist to start a diet tailored to your needs, to increase or decrease weight. In addition, you should also consult a physical education teacher to start an appropriate exercise plan.
For those who are below the ideal weight and want to gain weight, it is also important to eat protein-rich foods like egg, cheese, dairy products, chicken or salmon and eat 2 in 2 hours, to consume more calories. Here's an example diet to increase weight in: Diet for fat.
For those who are overweight and want to lose weight, it is essential to increase the consumption of foods such as eggplant, ginger salmon and flax seeds, for example, because speed up metabolism, helping you lose weight. Check out other examples of foods that help you lose weight in: Foods that help you lose weight .




Obesity is characterized by excess weight a person has, usually caused by a sedentary lifestyle and overconsumption of foods high in fat and sugar.
Obesity can occur at any age, as in childhood, adolescence or adulthood, and when left untreated, complications may arise as arthritis, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease or sleep apnea, for example.Learn more about child obesity .
Thyroid problems, hormonal problems or emotional problems like low self-esteem, anxiety or nervousness can also increase the risk of obesity and therefore, these situations should be treated as soon as they are identified.

How to know if I'm very overweight

The diagnosis of obesity can be done by performing a mathematical calculation called BMI analyzing the weight that a person has in relation to its height. Use our calculator to know your BMI:
For children and adolescents, it is also used BMI. See how to calculate children's BMI .

Obesity degrees

According to the BMI, there are varying degrees of obesity as:
  • Obesity grade 1: BMI between 30.0 - 34.9 kg / m2;
  • Grade 2 obesity: BMI between 35.0 - 39.9 kg / m2;
  • Grade 3 obesity or severe obesity: BMI greater than or 40 kg / m2.
The higher the degree of obesity, the greater the risk of complications such as diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, stroke or infarction. Leita more about morbid obesity .

How to treat obesity

Treatment of obesity should be done with the regular physical exercise guided by a trainer and a weight loss diet guided by a nutritionist, gradually, since the individual may take years to reach the ideal weight, often being required monitoring of a psychologist.


Consequences of obesity

               Consequences of obesity

The consequences of obesity for the body of people who are overweight are serious and include complications such as type 2 diabetes, breathing difficulties, infertility and even heart attack, for example, that can endanger life.
Furthermore, obesity, that is when the individual has a BMI equal to or greater than 35, it contributes to the emergence of psychological disorders such as low self-esteem and social consequences such as social isolation, for example. 
Generally, obesity is mainly because the adoption of a sedentary lifestyle and affects all ages, but the  consequences of obesity in childhood and adolescence  are even more serious because the child or adolescent is in growth phase and can affect the development and reduce the years. Find out what the causes of obesity in: Causes of obesity .
Body mass index
Obesity complications

Diseases that obesity can cause

Obesity can cause various diseases, such as:
  • Cardiovascular disease - excess fat accumulated in the arteries can lead to the onset of hypertension, heart failure and heart attack. Moreover, it can contribute to the increase of triglyceride and cholesterol and the development or aggravation of varicose veins;
  • Metabolic complications - overweight contributes to a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes and gout;
  • Breathing problems - usually the obese patient due to the large amount of fat has difficulty breathing and gets tired easily and may have sleep apnea;
  • Complications in the urinary tract and reproductive - the obese woman may have amenorrhea, which is the absence of menstruation, excessive production by the chin, back and stomach and even kidney malfunction. In man it is common the appearance of urinary incontinence and infertility;
  • Wear of bones and joints: being overweight can lead to premature wear of the joints of the spine, knees and ankles, with greater risk of developing hernias and greater chance of falls and fractures;
  • Emergence of cancer: poor diet leads to increased risk of developing in man, colorectal cancer and prostate cancer and, in women, breast cancer, endometrial, ovarian and biliary tract.
Individuals with morbid obesity, that is when you have a BMI less than 40, have greater risk of developing these health problems and endanger life.

Psychological and social consequences of obesity

Due to excess weight, the obese person has a tendency to isolate themselves from colleagues and friends as it has low self-esteem, staying too long at home without live with family.
Also, sometimes the obese person suffers from discrimination on the street and work by other individuals, and greater difficulty in finding a job, for example.
In more severe cases, the person with obesity may suffer from depression and may have to take medications to help lower weight and cure depression.

Treatment for obesity

The treatments for obesity should be guided by a nutritionist and is based on a change in eating style, but in some cases it is necessary to resort to drugs or surgery to lose weight.
In addition, regular physical exercise such as walking or cycling is essential. Learn more at: Treatment for Obesity.



To lose weight during the holidays

          To lose weight during the holidays

Weight loss during the year-end parties, birthdays or even the most important business dinners to keep in mind that the feast days are important to relax, unwind and eat foods that may not be present on a daily basis, but is not need to exaggerate in the amounts, this is the secret of keeping fit and having a healthy social life.
Moreover, you can also take up before going to the party 2-4 capsules of Chitosan, which is a natural supplement that helps to decrease the absorption of fat by the body. Learn more about this supplement: Chitosan .

Tips to lose weight during the holidays

Some good tips to lose weight during the holidays can be:
  1. Go to the party without hunger - when we are hungry we eat more than usual, leading to ruin all the good will.
  2. Avoid always be sitting at the table - the longer you're sitting on the largest table likely to eat more than necessary.
  3. Eat vegetables always at the beginning of the meal - vegetables have fiber that help decrease appetite.
  4. Avoid sauces - sauces are high in fat and greatly increase the calories of the meal.
  5. Moderately eat everything - should not be reduced in the main dish to cash in dessert.
  6. Do not overdo the alcohol - they can decrease appetite, but alcohol has many calories and do not feed.
  7. After the party making a detox juice - after the party is important to help the body to eliminate the excesses, a good way is doing a detoxifying juice. See a recipe for: detoxifying juice .
In addition to following these tips it is important to take the party to hang out, eat slowly looking for tasting the meal, so addition to taste the food and enjoy friends, can be felt when the stomach is full before you overdo it.


How to lose weight

                          How to lose weight

Weight loss is necessary to consume a lower amount of calories, eating less food and expend amounts of calories every day practicing further more physical activity, so that the body begins to utilize the stored fat as an energy source
So to consume fewer calories must follow a reduced calorie diet, low in calories but balanced with foods such as salads, fruits, whole cereals, vegetables, grilled white meats and fish, for example. To increase physical activity can practice up various activities like walking, running or dancing, for example.
In addition, fast weight loss, may also be used drugs or supplements that help to accelerate the burning of fats or decreasing fat absorption, for example, they should only be taken with the advice of a physician or dietician. Learn more at: Supplements for weight loss .

How to lose weight with health

To lose weight with health must follow a balanced diet with the necessary calories for the body to function well and lose weight, in addition to practicing daily physical activity like dancing, running or walking.
Some simple tips to lose weight with health following a balanced diet can be:
  • Do not starve;
  • Eat small amounts of food every 3 hours making 5 to 6 meals per day;
  • Start main meals like lunch or dinner with a plate of vegetables;
  • Eat three pieces of fruit a day;
  • Drinking 1.5 to 2 liters of water or tea without sugar per day.
To make a diet adapted to the lifestyle and be easier to lose weight should consult a dietitian to indicate the best times and composition of meals.


Sleeping slims

                          Sleeping slims

Sleep 8 hours a night may help you lose weight, because it lowers the level of anxiety that are usually related to food cravings and irregular eating habits.
This may mean that people who sleep fewer hours have a higher risk of becoming overweight and become obese.
For those who are already overweight, it is important:
  • eating well with a balanced diet,
  • physical exercise and
  • sleep well for weight loss and live better.
Although sleep hours required for each may vary, in general most people need sleep at least eight hours per night to rest the body and the mind.


Slims water

                             Slims water

Drinking water lose weight because it reduces appetite by keeping the stomach always relatively full, reducing the desire to eat during the day. Additionally, water also improves intestinal transit and helps detoxify the organism, facilitating weight loss process.
Following a varied diet and lose weight much water because they keep the body hydrated helps to have the always active metabolism and healthy body.
To lose weight drinking water should drink 1.5 to 3 liters of tea or water, no added sugar, no later than 30 minutes before meals and start drinking about 40 minutes after meals, avoid drinking more than a glass of water during meals.
Besides drinking water, it is important to follow a balanced diet rich fruits, vegetables and fish that are high in water and help complete hydration.
Here's how to drink this amount of water a day to lose weight:



Eating slowly lose weight

       Eating slowly lose weight

It is scientifically proven the fact that eating slowly lose weight. According to researchers the act of eating slowly causes the body to produce a larger amount of the satiety hormone, causes the individual eating less food.
The research also revealed that eat more quickly often feel less satisfied after the meal, drink more water and consume a greater amount of calories per day.
Individuals who wish to lose weight should avoid fatty foods, perform physical activity, and drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and make meals calmly munching on average between 25 to 30 times every morsel of food in his mouth.



Weight loss after pregnancy

    Weight loss after pregnancy

To lose weight after pregnancy is necessary to make a balanced diet with healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, white meats, fish, egg and whole grains in addition to practicing a light physical activity such as walking, walking the baby or dancing for example, every day.See other exercises to lose weight in: Weight loss postpartum .
Furthermore, the nursing mother can lose weight to about 2 kilograms per month because milk production spends between 600 to 800 calories per day which is the same as half an hour of walking at a moderate pace. Besides burning the "flab" accumulated during pregnancy, breast-feeding also stimulates contraction of the uterus until it returns to its original size.

Tips to lose weight after pregnancy

Some good tips to lose weight after pregnancy are:
  • Feeding the baby exclusively as much as possible, the ideal is 6 months;
  • Make 6 light meals a day;
  • Always eat vegetables for lunch and dinner;
  • 2 liters of drinking water or tea without sugar per day;
  • Physical exercise, such as walking your baby, for example, the important thing is to spend some energy.
To lose weight after pregnancy can not make any diet if these tips are not working ideally be accompanied by a nutritionist.