How to lose fat
To lose abdominal fat recommended a balanced diet free of sugar and fats, and is fundamental to exercise. The diet should always be associated with regular physical activity, which should not necessarily be very intense, so the body does not only lose fat but also produces muscle mass tissue that consumes energy even at rest, making weight loss "last" longer.
Tips to lose fat located
The practice exercises when combined with a balanced diet increases metabolism, increases muscle mass and burn abdominal fat and fat located in the arms, buttocks and thighs.
Choosing the type of exercise is also important to lose fat located. Ideally, do the exercise that you like, combining localized exercises like sit-ups with walks to expend more calories.
Another important tip is not to be hungry not to lose control over the food and so you should make a small meal every three hours and drink plenty of water that would maintain the stomach always relatively full also helps regulate bowel and yet moisturize skin.
This week is the 5th week i have been taking the product recommended by , Now i have lost 20 pounds already !!