
Eggplant flour weight loss

     Eggplant flour weight loss

Eggplant flour weight loss is an excellent choice because it helps to burn fat and reduce appetite.
The eggplant flour can be consumed in the form of flour or in capsules and sold in health food stores and on the Internet. The eggplant flour price is about 14 dollars per 150 g flour and eggplant flour capsules range from 25-30 dollars per 1 pack of 120 capsules.
But you can make eggplant flour at home, learn how to make eggplant in flour: How to make eggplant flour .

Using eggplant flour weight loss

The eggplant flour weight loss should be used twice a day, and may add 1 tablespoon of flour on the plate for lunch and dinner for example. After the meal, eating a citrus fruit such as orange or strawberry enhances its slimming effect and reducing bad cholesterol. The eggplant flour can also be consumed in yoghurts, juices or mixed in salads and soups for example.
The eggplant flour capsules are usually taken before a meal to decrease appetite, posted 2 capsules before the main meal for lunch or dinner, accompanied by a glass of water.

Nutritional information eggplant flour

The eggplant flour is low in calories and has no fat is rich in fibers and is therefore a good combined in slimming diets.
ComponentsQuantity in 1 tablespoon of eggplant flour
Power25 calories
Protein1.5 g
Fats0 g
Carbohydrates5.5 g
Fiber3.6 g
Iron3.6 mg
Magnesium16 g
Match32 g
Potassium256 mg
For the eggplant flour lose weight it is important besides using eggplant flour follow a balanced diet low in calories and physical exercise. To learn more about meal to lose weight see: Flour weight loss .
Other benefits of eggplant flour are to help lower cholesterol, reduce the risk of diabetes and improve constipation.



Hibiscus tea to lose weight easily

Hibiscus tea to lose weight easily

Take daily hibiscus tea is a great way to lose weight easily. The hibiscus, unlike green tea, has a pleasant flavor and is rich in antioxidants that help in proper functioning of the intestines, improves the heart, the skin and help with weight loss because it is a great diuretic and also decreases the ability of accumulate fat.
However, we must be alert because hibiscus tea should not be prepared with the flowers that are easily found in the gardens and on the slopes. The tea must be prepared with hibiscus Hibiscus sabdariffa , which can be found in natural products and specialty stores.
See how to eat to lose weight with this tea:  hibiscus tea diet to lose weight .

How to make hibiscus tea to lose weight

To make hibiscus tea to lose weight you need to keep the flower properties and therefore, the water should be brought to the fire and when it begins to boil must be put out the fire and after a few minutes is that one should add the part inner flower.


  • 1 tablespoon (soup) the inside of the flower hibiscus
  • 1 liter of water at boiling point

Method of preparation

Place the hibiscus in a container and add water. Cover, let stand for 10 minutes and then strain. Take up to 4 cups of hibiscus tea daily, half an hour before meals.
Tea can also be kept in the refrigerator for those who wish to take it cold.
Hibiscus flower
Tea appearance of Hibiscus
The tea has a mild taste, similar to raspberry, and must be ingested without adding sugar to reach the expected effect, but does not exclude the need for a balanced diet and physical exercise.

Benefits of hibiscus tea

The benefits of hibiscus tea for health are:
  • Reduce the ability to accumulate fat;
  • Eliminate fluid retention;
  • Contribute to the proper functioning of the intestines;
  • Help eliminate toxins, promoting weight loss;
  • Strengthen the body's defenses because it has vitamin C;
  • Help fight the fatigue because it has iron;
  • Decrease rates of cholesterol and blood glucose.
These benefits can be achieved during the regular consumption of hibiscus tea or hibiscus in capsules.

Contraindications of hibiscus tea

The hibiscus tea is contraindicated in pregnant women because it can cause deformities in the fetus and therefore should also be avoided by those trying to conceive.
Regular consumption of hibiscus tea can lower blood pressure and therefore it is contraindicated for those with hypotension, but is a great home remedy for those who are hypertensive.



Flours lose weight

               Flours lose weight

Flours who lose can be flaxseed flour, passion fruit flour, banana flour or eggplant flour, for example, because these feeds have fibers that help detoxify the body's cells, helping to eliminate toxins and increasing the feeling of satiety and even alleviating and treating constipation.
Just add 2 tablespoons of these flours in salads, cakes, breads, yogurts and other foods to notice any difference in the body. The packaging of each product suggests the use mode.

Benefits of flaxseed meal

The benefits of flaxseed meal, and help with weight loss and fight constipation for its richness in fibers that help decrease appetite and regulate bowel may be:
  • protect heart health;
  • help control diabetes;
  • controlling inflammation in the body because it has omega 3 which is an anti-inflammatory substance.
To get all the benefits of flaxseed meal can eat a tablespoon of flaxseed per day, which is about 10 grams of this flour.
The brown benefits of flaxseed meal are omega-3 have more than golden flaxseed flour, so is most suitable in cases of inflammation in the body and to protect the health of the heart.


Chia Emagrece

Chia Emagrece

The chia seed loses weight because it quenches hunger and detoxifies the body, because it regulates the intestinal system.
However for the individual to actually stay lean is advised decrease the intake of foods high in fat and sugar, changing the foods normally consumed by light and do some kind of regular physical activity as well as the body can eliminate the accumulated fat and prevent the accumulation a new fat, which is what will make the individual really lose weight and not get fat again.
Among the benefits of chia can be mentioned:
  • Help in the fight against premature aging;
  • The improvement in the body's immunity;
  • The strengthening of bones;
  • The prevention of migraine attacks;
  • The decreased risk of cardiovascular disease;
  • The fight against bowel arrested;
  • The improvement of brain function;
  • Improved stamina and recovery of muscle injuries.
1 tablespoon (soup) of chia seeds has on average 55 calories. It is rich in Omega 3, fiber, calcium, magnesium, potassium and protein being very useful also to control cholesterol and maintain regular levels of glucose in the bloodstream, which also helps you lose weight.

Price seeds of chia

The price of chia seeds varies between 15 and 20 reais.

How to consume the seeds of chia

It is desirable to use 1 to 2 teaspoon (soup) of chia seed a day, mixed with yogurt, milk, porridge, soup or simply a glass of water or juice. The consumption of 1 tablespoon (soup) of chia before lunch and dinner ensures early satiety, and is the most suitable.

Where to buy the seeds of chia

Chia seeds can be bought in supermarkets, pharmacies, drug stores, health food stores or online.
The chia seed, can be found in the form of grains, seed, oil and meal or even capsules.Learn more at: chia seed oil capsules .


Treatment of Obesity

Treatment of Obesity

Treatment for obesity can be done with a diet to lose weight, regular physical exercise and the intake of obesity for remedies such as Sibutramine. In some cases, when obesity is morbid and endangers life, a stomach reduction surgery or the placement of an intragastric balloon may be indicated.
However, the best treatment for obesity is a diet low in calories with regular physical execícios, it is the treatment that brings less consequences for the patient's health. The most aggressive treatment is surgery the body and is especially suitable in morbid obesity.
To learn more about surgery to see obesity: Obesity and bariatric surgery .

Drug treatment for obesity

Drug treatment for obesity should be guided by an endocrinologist after evaluating the health status of the individual. Some examples of remedies for obesity are beyond Sibutramine are:
  • Xanax;
  • Xenical;
  • Biomag;
  • Desobesi.
These medicines help take the hungry and help fight fat accumulated reaching optimal results, however, should only be used under medical supervision because they have contraindications and side effects like headache, insomnia, dry mouth, and generalized anxiety.

Free treatment for obesity

During the year 2013 free treatment for obesity is offered by the University Guarulhos (UnG) in São Paulo, and aims to re-educate the eating habits of obese children and adults using the "Think Thin", based on nutritional education and exercise. Registrations by phone: (11) 2475-8300 or by sending e-mail with your full name, age, contact telephone number, weight and height for paddac@ung.br address.
It is crucial to begin treatment for obesity as early as possible because obesity is a disease that has many consequences such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and also increases the risk of developing cancer. To learn more about the consequences of obesity see: Consequences of obesity .

Tips to avoid abandoning treatment

Treatment for obesity is difficult to meet because it implies changing eating habits and lifestyles that the patient did for life, some tips to help avoid abandoning treatment can be:
  1. Set weekly goals that are possible to achieve
  2. Ask the dietitian to adjust the diet if it is too difficult to meet
  3. Having a group to exercise
Another important tip is to write down on a paper or taking an image for a week to all who eat or drink throughout the day, because it allows you to have greater control over the power.



5 Tips to Lose Belly Fat

5 Tips to Lose Belly Fat

To lose belly fat is recommended to eat healthy foods, but investing in thermogenic is a good way to eliminate localized fat in the abdominal region faster.
The exercises are great because they burn the accumulated fat, improve cardiovascular system and increase metabolism causing the body to spend more energy all day and all night.
The 5 tips to eliminate belly fat are:

1. Taking tea

2. Exercising

3. Eat well

1. Taking tea

Besides drinking water should be taken teas because they help to eliminate toxins and help with weight loss. Good examples are green tea, which has catechins that help dry the belly, or a diuretic tea for example, the mixture of dandelion Dandelion with hat Leatherback and sarsaparilla, which help eliminate excess fluids body, desinchando belly. daily, which helps eliminate toxins. Another tip to increase metabolism is to add 1 tablespoon cayenne pepper coffee in the tea water to help speed up metabolism and burn fat.

2. Exercising

One of the secrets to burn fat is to run in the race because the body uses stored fat as an energy source, but in addition to running is important to do some exercise as localized fitness or bodybuilding to ensure the growth of muscles, to increase metabolism naturally.See great examples: 3 simple exercises to do at home and lose belly .

3. Eat well

To eat well is necessary to make small meals 3 in 3 hours, investing more in vegetables and cereals. Eating fiber at every meal is a great strategy to not get hungry. Write down everything you eat, making a food diary helps to have more sense of all that is eating, being easier to identify dietary mistakes. See  3 recipes to lose belly .
Also should be avoided whenever possible, very sweet and fatty foods and frozen ready-to consumidos.A power to lose belly fat should be based on natural foods like fruits, vegetables and lean proteins like white meat or tofu. To end the belly fat take regular meals throughout the day, avoiding times when the volume of the meal is very large, thus avoiding the overproduction of insulin and increased fat mass.

4. Regular bowel

5. Massaging the tummy

4. Regular bowel

Keep the bowels working regularly with a diet rich in fruits and vegetables fibers present.This avoids constipation and use of laxatives that can irritate the bowel swelling and causing gases.
To help regulate the intestines, invest in seeds like sesame, flax and chia, adding 1 tablespoon (soup) at every meal. However, to ensure the elimination of feces, 2 liters of drinking water, juice unsweetened tea every day.
See more examples of high-fiber foods .

5. Massaging the belly with reducing fat cream

Massage located in the belly every day helps to activate blood circulation and to shape the silhouette. The additives must be present in a good cream to burn fat are caffeine or methyl nicotinate as the DMAE reducing gel, the BioMédicin.
It's the fat that toxins are concentrated, so it is very important to ensure proper hydration and thus facilitate the elimination of them through the intestine and urine, because when there is a great fat burning located, there is also a large release of toxins into the body, that must be disposed not to cause swelling and lead to premature aging.


How to lose belly menopause

How to lose belly menopause

To lose belly menopause is important to have a balanced diet and maintain regular physical exercise. Changes occur in body shape after menopause, but only the hormonal changes of this phase of life does not justify the increase in weight. Therefore, women during menopause should ensure a greater expenditure of calories, with most intense aerobic physical activity and a diet rich in fruits and vegetables that are less calorie foods.

Tips to lose belly menopause

Some tips to lose belly menopause include:
  • Make at least six meals during the day;
  • Eating soup or soup before the main course, it helps to regulate the amount of calories during the meal;
  • Eat foods with carbohydrates with a low glycemic index, such as yogurt and apple with peel;
  • Include the meal foods rich in protein and low in fat, such as meat, white cheese and eggs, because they increase the feeling of satiety;
  • Making aerobics or Pilates at least 2 times per week.
The best way to lose belly is to do a combination of balanced diet with exercise and therefore the woman should do at least 30 minutes of aerobic activity, like walking, jogging or cycling every day.

Diet to lose belly menopause

A good diet option for losing belly menopause include:
  • Breakfast: 1 cranberry juice and toast 2 slices soy bread or 1 granola bowl with flax seeds and 100 ml of soy milk;
  • Morning snack: 1 papaya vitamin A glass of almond milk;
  • Lunch: 1 salmon sandwich with watercress, and 1 apple juice or soy yogurt 1;
  • Afternoon snack: 1 seasonal fruit or 1 cup of yogurt with gelatin;
  • Dinner: grilled fish with carrot, mushroom and asparagus and 1 cup of fruit salad;
  • Supper: 1 or 1 yogurt porridge corn starch (Cornstarch) with oat milk and one tablespoon of soy lecithin coffee as a nutritional supplement.
Each woman has different nutritional needs, and recommended to consult a nutritionist before taking any kind of diet.



How to lose belly in 1 week

How to lose belly in 1 week

A good strategy for losing belly is rapidly running for 25 minutes every day and adopt a diet low in calories, fats and sugars for the body to spend the accumulated fat.
But beyond the race it is important to do abdominal exercises because they help to strengthen the abdomen, improving the appearance of the belly. If you do not like or can not do sit-ups see:  Exercises to define the belly without abdominal .
Although one week is a very short period to remove all the accumulated fat, you can lose weight and deflate the belly. See how many kilos need to lose weight in: How do I know how many kilos need to lose weight .

Exercises to lose belly in 1 week

An excellent exercise to lose belly fast is the race because she spends a greater amount of calories in a short period of time, in just 25 minutes of running are spent 400 calories.Other exercises to complete the daily workout to lose belly are:

Abdominal 1

Abdominal 2

Abdominal 3
The first two exercises should be carried out continuously for 1 minute followed with an interval of 30 seconds between them, while the third exercise is to stand in the position shown in the picture, for 1 minute.
Check out our complete program to lose belly in 1 week .
The teacher of the academy may indicate other exercises that can be done at home or in the gym to promote healthy weight loss while respecting their limitations. An alternative is walking workout to lose weight .

Diet to lose belly in 1 week

The diet for one week lose belly is to provide maximum nutrients with a minimum of calories, sugars and fats. This diet is recommended:
  • Make 6 meals a day , always eating 3 in 3 hours;
  • Drinking at least 2 liters of water or of green tea per day;
  • Eat a different salad every day and a quantity of meat, fish or poultry that fits in the palm of your hand;
  • Eating 2 fruit per day, every day, preferably less sugar. See the main foods high in sugar ;
  • Take 2 yogurts with live lactobacilli per day, such as Yakult, because it will facilitate the intestinal transit, reducing the stomach;
  • Eat less salt, opting for herbs and seasoning salads with lemon, for example;
  • Take 1 cup of boldo tea half an hour before lunch and dinner because he fights gases and therefore deflates the belly.